Alcatraz Island seabird monitoring 2015 has begun

April 27, 2015

March marks the beginning of seabird breeding season on Alcatraz Island.  Brandt’s cormorants started to arrive in mid March and commenced nest building, courtship displays, and laying eggs.  There are almost twice as many adults at the Alcatraz colony as there were at this time in the last two years, and more cormorants continue to arrive every day.  Their progress will continue to be monitored bi-weekly by FI scientist Heather Robinson for the duration of breeding season, which will conclude in September when all chicks have fledged.

March marks the beginning of seabird breeding season on Alcatraz Island.  Brandt’s cormorants started to arrive in mid March and commenced nest building, courtship displays, and laying eggs.  There are almost twice as many adults at the Alcatraz colony as there were at this time in the last two years, and more cormorants continue to arrive every day.  Their progress will continue to be monitored bi-weekly by FI scientist Heather Robinson for the duration of breeding season, which will conclude in September when all chicks have fledged.